[Mne_analysis] Time-frequency analysis, questions
Kirill Elin
ekirling at gmail.com
Fri May 22 13:02:11 EDT 2020
External Email - Use Caution
Dear Dr. Gramfort,
So, what is the recommended MNE code / functions to get rid of the edge
artifacts and correct for other issues after I have obtained time-frequency
plots? (I am interested in the source level data)
So if source_induced_power() function does not automatically correct edge
artificats, why it is achieved by parameters baseline, baseline_mode there?
It is already some correction, I would assume.
Thank you in advance.
Sincerely yours,
Kirill Elin, PhD
чт, 21 мая 2020 г. в 22:42, Alexandre Gramfort <alexandre.gramfort at inria.fr
> External Email - Use Caution
> Dear Kirill,
> looking at your plots you have clear edge artifacts. The function you use
> to do not try to correct for them automatically. You should crop your
> outputs
> in time and baseline afterwards.
> For pow I tend to baseline with a ratio between power during stim
> with power during baseline.
> Now to be honest this code is fairly old in MNE so maybe someone
> can suggest you a simpler route.
> I like this example if you are especially interested in power:
> https://mne.tools/stable/auto_examples/inverse/plot_evoked_ers_source_power.html?highlight=power
> Alex
> > I need to do a time-frequency analysis and I am following this tutorial
> https://mne.tools/dev/auto_examples/time_frequency/plot_source_label_time_frequency.html#sphx-glr-auto-examples-time-frequency-plot-source-label-time-frequency-py
> as I am interested in obtaining this sort of maps in certain labels.
> However, the maps I am getting are definetely not normalized compared to
> the examples (see my examples attached - lower than 10Hz).
> > 1. What might be the reason for this?Is there something special I need
> to do when computing inverse solution compared to typical evoked response
> analysis? (I include only noise covariance there)
> > 2. What is the recommend parameter here for baseline_mode (percent,
> logration mean - is there any suggestion on what to use and when?)
> > 3. In this tutorial and command source_induced_power, what is the method
> used? Is it Morlet / Multitaper or something else? I found no information
> on this in contrast to e.g. tfr_morlet commands used elsewhere?
> >
> > Thank you in advance.
> > Sincerely yours,
> > Kirill Elin, PhD
> >
> >
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